Calls for applications

Ausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in an der Professur für Osteuropäische Geschichte in Halle

An der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Philosophische Fakultät I, Institut für Geschichte, Professur Osteuropäische Geschichte, ist ab dem 01.03.2024 die auf bis zu 1 Jahr befristete Stelle zur Vertretung einer*eines Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin*Mitarbeiters (m-w-d) in Vollzeit zu besetzen. Gesucht werden Bewerber*innen mit erfolgreicher Promotion in Geschichte mit einem osteuropäischen Schwerpunkt. (Bewerbungsfrist: 20.12.2023)

Mehr Informationen.

Call for applications: DAAD-Guest Professorship at the Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish Studies, Halle / Germany

The Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish Studies in Halle is looking for a short term guest professor, having her/his residence outside Germany, who would like to join our team for a period of one month from April 2024 to February 2025.


  • teach a course (in English or German) on a topic within the range of your current research relating to Polish society, culture or politics to MA and BA students from
    various disciplines (28 academic hours, concentrated on two to three weekends)
  • participate in the activities of the Center
  • engage in interdisciplinary discussions

Application forms (in one pdf):

  • CV
  • Doctoral diploma
  • list of publications
  • short outline of your course proposal

Deadline: December 15, 2023

We are especially interested in researchers who can give an engaging course that caters to an audience from the Humanities that does not necessarily specialize in Polish Studies. Candidates with a background in a variety of disciplines, including literature & cultural studies, political science, sociology, social anthropology, law, history, etc., are welcome.

The lecturer will be hosted at the Aleksander Brückner Center in Halle ( and will receive a lump sum of 4,000 Euros to cover all expenses. The staff of the Center will support you in practical matters, e.g. finding accommodation and access to libraries.

Guest professors are expected to reside in Halle most of the time, pursue their research and interact with academic and other institutions in town, e.g., the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.

If you are interested, please contact

We are looking forward to read about your ideas!