
Naszą intencją jest uczynienie z zespołu uniwersytetów w Halle, Jenie i Lipsku centrum badań polonoznawczych, widocznego na arenie międzynarodowej. Cel ten mamy zamiar osiągnąć nie tylko za sprawą międzydyscyplinarnych imprez naukowych, ale także za pośrednictwem dyskusji specjalistycznych. Część naszych działań skierowana jest poza tym do zainteresowanej publiczności, którą chcielibyśmy zapoznać z polską historią i kulturą, polskim językiem i społeczeństwem.

Do wydarzeń naukowych należą regularne zebrania naukowe, konferencje, warsztaty i cykle wykładów, w dalszej perspektywie planowana jest także szkoła letnia. Studentom oferujemy oprócz zblokowanych seminariów, będących integralną częścią studiów na kierunku Międzywydziałowych Studiów Polonoznawczych, także wycieczki naukowe do Polski.

Do szerszej publiczności skierowany jest cykl pokazów filmowych organizowany przy współpracy z Instytutem Polskim w Lipsku, Kolegium im. Imre Kertésza w Jenie, Puschkino w Halle, Deutsch-polnische Gesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt i Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Sachsen-Anhalt. Filmy pokazywane w ramach tych cyklów oraz przyszłe spotkania z polskimi autorami są tematycznie powiązane z dziedzinami badań Centrum.

Cykl wykładów

Zbigniew Gren

(c) privat

Zbigniew Greń (Warsaw): The Emergence of Ethnic Identity in Contemporary Central Europe – The Silesian Example

Online Lecture, 24/11, 18:00 (s.t.), via Zoom

In the lecture I shall consider the process of constructing an identity on a mass scale, with respect to different levels of group identification, using Silesia as an example. The purpose of this research is not to attempt to answer the question of whether the group that specifies itself as Silesian is an ethnic, regional or national group in the light of the prevailing law and socio-political criteria. Responses to this question depend largely on the convictions of the researchers themselves because the conditions to be met by a group aspiring to nationality status are quite arbitrary and depend on the historical situation.

In my opinion in the social sense, the Silesian identity is a mixed ethno-regional identity (with national aspirations), in an individual sense, however, it is an identity in flux, with a greater or lesser degree of consolidation.

Registration to attend the lecture online (via Zoom): johann(dot)wiede(at)uni-jena(dot)de

The lecture is part of the series "Poland and its language(s)". More information on the lecture series: https://www.aleksander-brueckner-zentrum.org/veranstaltungen/vortraege


Zbigniew Gren

(c) privat

Zbigniew Greń (Warsaw): The Emergence of Ethnic Identity in Contemporary Central Europe – The Silesian Example

Online Lecture, 24/11, 18:00 (s.t.), via Zoom

In the lecture I shall consider the process of constructing an identity on a mass scale, with respect to different levels of group identification, using Silesia as an example. The purpose of this research is not to attempt to answer the question of whether the group that specifies itself as Silesian is an ethnic, regional or national group in the light of the prevailing law and socio-political criteria. Responses to this question depend largely on the convictions of the researchers themselves because the conditions to be met by a group aspiring to nationality status are quite arbitrary and depend on the historical situation.

In my opinion in the social sense, the Silesian identity is a mixed ethno-regional identity (with national aspirations), in an individual sense, however, it is an identity in flux, with a greater or lesser degree of consolidation.

Registration to attend the lecture online (via Zoom): johann(dot)wiede(at)uni-jena(dot)de

The lecture is part of the series "Poland and its language(s)". More information on the lecture series: https://www.aleksander-brueckner-zentrum.org/veranstaltungen/vortraege

Studia Interdyscyplinarne Polonoznawcze

Zbigniew Gren

(c) privat

Zbigniew Greń (Warsaw): The Emergence of Ethnic Identity in Contemporary Central Europe – The Silesian Example

Online Lecture, 24/11, 18:00 (s.t.), via Zoom

In the lecture I shall consider the process of constructing an identity on a mass scale, with respect to different levels of group identification, using Silesia as an example. The purpose of this research is not to attempt to answer the question of whether the group that specifies itself as Silesian is an ethnic, regional or national group in the light of the prevailing law and socio-political criteria. Responses to this question depend largely on the convictions of the researchers themselves because the conditions to be met by a group aspiring to nationality status are quite arbitrary and depend on the historical situation.

In my opinion in the social sense, the Silesian identity is a mixed ethno-regional identity (with national aspirations), in an individual sense, however, it is an identity in flux, with a greater or lesser degree of consolidation.

Registration to attend the lecture online (via Zoom): johann(dot)wiede(at)uni-jena(dot)de

The lecture is part of the series "Poland and its language(s)". More information on the lecture series: https://www.aleksander-brueckner-zentrum.org/veranstaltungen/vortraege

Odczyty i pokazy filmowe

Zbigniew Gren

(c) privat

Zbigniew Greń (Warsaw): The Emergence of Ethnic Identity in Contemporary Central Europe – The Silesian Example

Online Lecture, 24/11, 18:00 (s.t.), via Zoom

In the lecture I shall consider the process of constructing an identity on a mass scale, with respect to different levels of group identification, using Silesia as an example. The purpose of this research is not to attempt to answer the question of whether the group that specifies itself as Silesian is an ethnic, regional or national group in the light of the prevailing law and socio-political criteria. Responses to this question depend largely on the convictions of the researchers themselves because the conditions to be met by a group aspiring to nationality status are quite arbitrary and depend on the historical situation.

In my opinion in the social sense, the Silesian identity is a mixed ethno-regional identity (with national aspirations), in an individual sense, however, it is an identity in flux, with a greater or lesser degree of consolidation.

Registration to attend the lecture online (via Zoom): johann(dot)wiede(at)uni-jena(dot)de

The lecture is part of the series "Poland and its language(s)". More information on the lecture series: https://www.aleksander-brueckner-zentrum.org/veranstaltungen/vortraege