Learner Corpora and their usefulness in second language acquisition
Vortrag von Adrian Zasina (Charles Universität in Prag) in Jena, 20.06.2024
The first part of the lecture explores the topic of learner corpora in second language
acquisition. Learner corpora are collections of texts produced by non-native speakers.
The first learner corpora appeared at the end of the 1980s. One of the first learner
corpora was the International Corpus of Learner English, established at the Catholic
University in Louvain, Belgium. The development of language corpora in languages other
than English has led to the emergence of learner corpora for languages, such as Czech,
German, and Polish which form the core of this presentation.The second part of the talk
focuses on the Data-driven learning (DDL) method. This method uses real language data
from learner corpora to improve language teaching and learning. By using DDL, teachers
can offer students real examples of language use, making learning more effective and
engaging. The presentation will include case studies and examples of concrete
applications of DDL in the teaching and learning of a foreign language.
Bio: Adrian Zasina Ph.D. holds a MA in Slavic Studies and a Ph.D. in Mathematical
Linguistics (a branch of Corpus Linguistics). He is currently the Head of the Institute of
Czech and Deaf Studies at Charles University in Prague. His main research interests
include data-driven learning, corpus linguistics, parallel corpora, grammar of
contemporary Czech and Polish, language variability, and corpus-assisted discourse
When: Thursday, 20.06.2024, 12:15 c.t.
Where: Carl-Zeiß-Straße 3, Raum 385 or Zoom:
Meeting ID: 621 5568 3040
Passcode: 364292